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Обновились MKV Toolnix

* Released v4.4.0.

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* build system: bug fix: Installation no longer fails if xsltproc
is available but the DocBook stylesheets aren't. Fix for bug 575.

* mkvmerge: new feature: If the name of an input file starts with
'=' then mkvmerge will not try to open other files with the same
name (e.g. 'VTS_01_1.VOB', 'VTS_01_2.VOB', 'VTS_01_3.VOB') from
the same directory. A single '=' as an argument disables this as
well for the next input file. Implements bug 570.

* mmg: new feature: Added an option to disable extra compression
when adding tracks by default.

Порадовало, так как С версии 4.1.0 по умолчанию для всех потоков выставлено сжатие заголовков, что может быть причиной отсутствия видео и звука при проигрывании на бытовых медиапроигрывателях. Чтобы этого избежать надо выставить опцию сжатия в "None" для каждой из дорожек на вкладке "Extra options -> Compression".

* mkvmerge: bug fix: Made file type detection stricter for MP3,
AC3 and AAC files. This prevents mis-detection of other file types
as one of these for certain files. Fix for bug 574.

* mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed the usage of iterators with the STL
"deque" template class. This caused mkvmerge to abort on systems
which did not use the GNU implementation of the standard template
library, e.g. OpenSolaris with the SunStudio compiler. Fix for bug

* mkvmerge: enhancement: The warning about subtitle entries that
are skipped because their start time is greater than their end
time now includes the subtitle number.

* Build system: bug fix: 'drake install' did not work if the login
shell was not POSIX compatible (e.g. fish). Fix for bug 559.

* mkvmerge: enhancement: When appending two Matroska files which
both contain chapters the chapter entries of all editions will be
merged even if the edition's UIDs were different to begin
with. This is done based on the order of the edition. If both
files contain three editions each then the chapters from the first
edition in the second file will be put into the first edition from
the first file; the chapters from the second edition into the
second edition and so on.

* all: Added a translation of the programs into French by
Trinine (see AUTHORS).

* mkvmerge: bug fix: The MPEG ES reader was accessing
uninitialized data. This could lead to crashes or source files not
being read correctly.

* mkvmerge: bug fix: Using "--no-video" on AVI files caused the
video track to be mistaken for an audio track and included
anyway. Fix for bug 558.

Аддон обновлен

Последний раз редактировалось GoodVine, 06-12-2010 в 11:28.

Отправлено: 11:13, 06-12-2010 | #8